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Membership Renewal Campaign 

Our Membership Renewal campaign has started.  To renew your membership follow the instructions for completing your renewal below.  Members will receive e-mail announcements periodically between now and the end of the campaign.  You can pay for your renewal by credit card using PayPal **there is a $1.00 handling fee** or by mailing a check to:


Attn: Membership
P. O. Box 130024

Dallas, TX 75313-0024 


Please remember to include your confirmation email if paying by check.

To renew your membership - upon successful login you will find a button to the right of your profile labeled 'Renew until 1 January (YEAR)'. Click the button.

You will be prompted to start the renewal in a new window.

Renewal steps

1. Enter your email address on the login

2. Enter your password on the login

3. Click login

4. Click on view profile and update your information and click save and then click on “Renew until 1 January (YEAR)”

5. You will see your renewal and be prompted to check your data hit the NEXT button on the bottom right

6. You will see your profile once more please make any necessary changes and then hit the NEXT button which will update your profile

7. Click "Pay Online" to pay by credit card through PayPal OR Click “Confirm” to pay by check. You will receive an invoice/confirmation email, print it and follow step 8

8. Mail in your check and invoice/confirmation email to the DFW-ALTA Corresponding Secretary at:


Attn: Membership

P. O. Box 130024

Dallas, TX 75313-0024

© 2021  DFW-ALTA. All Rights Reserved     |     DFW-ALTA, PO Box 130024, Dallas, TX 75313-0024

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